Holistic Health Collective

Plantar Fasciitis and Foot Pain – Can acupuncture help with my foot pain?

Plantar fasciitis, ankle sprain, ankle injury, Achilles heel tendinopathy, peroneal tendinitis are all common types of foot and ankle injuries.  Acupuncture is frequently used as an adjunct to support healing and pain control in these circumstances.  Most often patients will seek an acupuncturist when their foot pain has reached a more chronic or severe level […]

What’s the Point of Acupuncture Points?

About the Author: Zhiling Trowbridge MD has been providing acupuncture to the community of Grand Rapids, MI since 2016.  She received her medical degree at Wayne State University.  She is board certified in family medicine.  She studied and taught acupuncture through the Harvard Structural Acupuncture Program.  She is also certified in acupuncture from the Helms […]

Meridians the Energetic Channels of the Body [How Does Acupuncture Work Series]

I often get asked by many people including friends, family, patients.  How does acupuncture work?  Or does acupuncture really work?  I will be posting periodically on this topic and hopefully can provide you with some more insight on this fascinating topic about this ancient form of healing, from both a traditional and modern point of […]

Does acupuncture help with neuropathy?

What is neuropathy? Neuropathy occurs when part of your nervous system has been damaged or some other miscommunication has occurred between the peripheral and central nervous system.  Dysfunctions can occur at the level of the peripheral nerve, spinal cord, and or the brain.  It can cause a sensation of numbness, tingling, or pain.  It can […]

Why do some people go gluten free?

Celiac disease – an autoimmune disorder that leads to the body creating antibodies against the protein gluten (commonly found in wheat, rye, and barley).  It leads to damage to the small intestinal villi.  Celiac disease is associated with specific genetic markers, and those who have the gene may have a greater risk of developing celiac […]

Fibromyalgia and SIBO

SIBO definition: Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.  Simplified version, too much bacteria in the wrong place in the gut, namely in the small intestine.  SIBO symptoms are associated with bloating, abdominal pain, poor digestion, and increased risk of development of food sensitivities associated with intestinal permeability. Fibromyalgia and SIBO Fibromyalgia sufferers experience an array of chronic […]

Does Acupuncture Actually Work for Back Pain?

Below is an article about common low back pain issues that I see in my acupuncture clinic in Grand Rapids, MI. Non-specific low back pain can be a frustrating issue for many patients. Improvements may occur with one modality such as physical therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic care, home exercise, and or medications. However, if patients are […]

What should I know about Celiac Disease?

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease where the body’s own immune system reacts to a special collection of protein called gluten. It leads to intestinal wall damage along with digestive issues.   Commonly it presents as bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, malabsorption, weight loss. Some people may even develop a classic rash called dermatitis herpetiformis. An […]

Coming soon!

Putting together the nuts and bolts of a clinic and setting up virtual shop takes some time! I hope some of the content I already have up is helpful for those who are anticipating Uplift Health’s opening. The prospective date to start to see patients will be January 2022. I will start to open up […]

Free 15 minute Consults

Dr. Zhiling Trowbridge is booking free 15-minute consults via telemedicine, time slots are now open. Learn more about how you can improve your chronic health condition, chronic pain, or develop your understanding of integrative medicine and holistic health. We can do a basic review of your health condition and learn more about how complementary and alternative […]