Acute Healing and Acupuncture – Can Acupuncture Help with Acute Injuries?

Above are photos (photo permission received) of patients at the Uplift Health Clinic (an integrative medicine and acupuncture clinic located in Grand Rapids, MI) who have been treated for acute injuries using acupuncture. A medical acupuncture clinic may not be the first place you stop at after sustaining such a major injury but it might […]
5 Steps to Gut Healing — The 5R Approach – Part 2

5R approach Replace The ‘Replace’ step is reviewing the digestive enzyme needs of the body. The stomach produces certain enzymes (pepsin, hydrochloric acid) to break down food to absorb important nutrients for the body. Hypochlorhydria is when the stomach is not producing enough hydrochloric acid. There are different causes for hypochlorhydria which include infections by […]
5 Steps to Gut Healing — The 5R Approach – Part 1

5R approach The 5 Steps to Gut Healing: Remove Replace Repair Reinoculate Rebalance/Relax 1) Remove The first step ‘Remove’ is focused on eliminating foods that may be contributing to gut irritation and inflammation. Food sensitivities and intolerances are not easily tested via blood work. Instead, systematic removal over a 21-28 day period is the easiest […]
Beyond Acupuncture Needles — Other Commonly Used Tools in Acupuncture

Are you a resident of Grand Rapids, MI curious about acupuncture and wanting to learn more about what it is? Here is a quick synopsis of what types of acupuncture equipment are used in my office. Acupuncture treatments typically involve use of needles but there are also several tools you may not recognize that are […]