Happy Pride (LGBTQ) Month

A wonderful month of the year for allies and members of the LGBTQ community to express and celebrate their support for awareness of the rainbow of gender identity and sexual orientation in our society.
In celebration of the month, I sought out my favorite rainbow photo to post above. I had a conversation with my LGBTQ friend who gave me the low down on pronouns/gender identity/sexual orientation identifiers. I took some time to read articles about acupuncture treatment and outreach to LGBTQ community in association with anxiety and history of trauma. In addition, took some time today to update Uplift Health’s intake forms to make them more LGBTQ friendly. I know some of these are small acts but hopefully every little bit counts. Cheers to all!
Here at Uplift Health we strive to provide equal care to all patients regardless of age, race, ethnicity, physical ability, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity/expression.