Acupuncture Doctor in Grand Rapids

Dr. Zhiling Trowbridge is trained in several different styles of medical acupuncture.

Dr. Trowbridge was a clinical preceptor for the Japanese Structural Acupuncture Course for Physicians at Harvard Medical School, Department of Continuing Education. She has also lectured at local and national conferences, teaching about the use of acupuncture for medical conditions for patients.

Acupuncture Styles

  • Japanese
  • Chinese
  • French Energetics
  • Yamamoto New Scalp
  • Auricular


Japanese Structural Acupuncture (based off of the Kiiko Matsumoto style) which is a palpation based approach relying on feedback from the patient in regards to release of energetic points related to the body’s meridians. 

Needling is done with a finer gauge needle than Traditional Chinese Medicine style. The experience tends to be painless or a slight pinch in nature. The examination initially starts with examination of the “Hara” or abdomen of the patient which helps elicit an understanding of the balance of the meridians that are the foundation for this style of treatment approach. Moxibustion is commonly used in this style of acupuncture.